
Fear works in association with pain. Once you know pain, you get really good at feeling fear. Fear is absolutely necessary, and yet, it is the ultimate obstacle that prevents us from reaching our ultimate potential.

Literal fear is easy to understand. We’ve all felt it. It can be mild or paralyzing. It can be butterflies in our stomachs or the increased adrenaline and blood flow that allows us to fight or flee. In some cases, it can be so powerful that it shuts us down. A constant state of fear can be devastating to our immune system. Your body works extra hard to keep you on edge, aging you faster, and in some cases speeding up chemical processes that can lead to cancer.
Fear has several uses. Of course, it’s important to distinguish what can be harmless from what is out to kill us. Ever since man was living on trees, fear kept us alive, watching for the snakes that wanted to devour our babies. But this fear also allowed courage to be appreciated in those few who dared face peril and become dependable leaders. And here is when we begin to see how important fear can be for growth. It is the active capacity to understand what scares us, analyze it, and fight it, that stands as the ultimate key to unlock potential. The truth is, the best opportunities in life lie behind the scariest doors. It’s only those who risk it and face their fears, that are allowed to move up.