
Lust is a strong, almost unrestrained desire for something or someone.

In a similar vein to adoration, lust can quickly become toxic, dangerous, corrosive, and destructive. Unrestrained emotions are problematic, specially when desire is involved. Wanting something like money, sex, or an object that can make you happy isn’t rare, however it is people who lack control or discipline, who make it complicated. Being deluded thinking that obtaining this which they desire is worth going to extremes to obtain it can create some unstoppable feeling of dread and despair. We quickly make what we desire an object of worship. Lust can make us lose sleep, serenity, control, etc. We crave the eventual serotonin release related to getting what we want, specially if we have a creative mind capable of picturing what that moment will be like.

Lust is an extreme case of ambition, and even though it can be beneficial in small doses, it can cause harm to us and those around us if not checked quickly.

Lust, however, is prove that we are alive and reacting to the world around us. When and if we feel it, it is important to stop and ask ourselves how we got to that point. Why is it that, for example, you may be feeling an almost sickening sense of lust for a person you feel attracted to? You know it’s not normal to feel this passionate, specially if this person doesn’t know you. In this case lust can be an alarm system that warns us about uncontrolled emotions that we best stop and address. “Why am I feeling this way?” and “How can I fix it?” can be a good way to start looking into it. Perhaps you have gone too long without a partner, and you have loss some of the social skills required to establish healthy relationships. Maybe you need to slowly start getting back into dating, or perhaps you need to talk to someone about how you feel. Perhaps you have been through trauma in the past, which impedes  your ability to react normally to how you feel. This is a sign to change. Lust is not necessarily good, but it can be harnessed to do some good.