
I’ve been thinking about death…

I value my life because I know it’s going to end.The frustrating limit is what urges me on.I am afraid of my last moment, and of passing on full of regrets.Because of this, my own death serves as a reminder to enjoy my family, my friends, my work, my community, and to make sure I can amass something worth passing on to whoever looks up to me, and would benefit from my existence.

Death, in my estimation, is not just a positive agent, but the most important. Without it, I can’t remember to live.

But the arrogance that I gain from the health I enjoy makes me amnesiac. Sometimes I think I’ll live forever, so I see no sense in investing my time in doing what truly matters to me. Sometimes I work too hard, stress too much, and don’t enjoy the small things, because I think I’ll have many more opportunities to do so later. The truth is that later might not be a reality for me.

I’ll never experience what it’s like to be dead, since I simply will not be alive to witness it. There’s no sense in waiting for it, since I don’t know when it will come. All I know is that we’re destined together, and that in the meantime, I shall make myself useful, and enjoy the privilege of being here. I live through others, and so my presence shall be a responsible one.

We can fear death all we want, but it will come regardless. I suggest the embrace, acceptance, understanding, humility. It’s not about me, after all. It’s about us. Alone we are destined for death, together, we are truly one, old, immortal soul.