Puertrograbando Poster
This poster and the logo that would end up be chosen as the brand identity for the event, were designed with the help of local artists from the island. We worked to come up with imagery that respected the culture and embraced the diversity of Puerto Rico in terms of ethnicity and culture. The character that ended up being chosen was that of the Coqui, which is a frog that is endemic to the island, and which permeates the entire culture. Puerto Ricans love this frog as a symbol for their home, and were eager to utilize it to represent them in the printmaking conference that would take place in San Juan in 2025. The roller and the flag were also added to bring awareness to printmaking as the main reason for the conference, as well as to reiterate the place it was taking place in case the Coqui was not understood as it being directly related to Puerto Rico.

This is the logo associated with the event, and which caps the brand identity package created for the conference.