The Bringer of Gratitude

I grow older and understand to be grateful– to stop, count my blessings. I am owed nothing in this world. The gap between a normal day and tragedy minute as the edge of a sharp blade. I mature and understand my time here as a miracle. I’ve no right to exist and yet here I am, existing where other don’t. My problems can make it seem like I have nothing to be thankful for, but if I’m smart about the way I look at my life, I will often find that that is simply not the case. Calamity or not, I am thankful for everything in life, including my family, my young career, and the negative moments that offer opportunities for growth.

In this woodcut we find a dancer in a storm turning away from the wind and heavy rain. Regardless of how difficult threading in this environment is, there’s growth in his body thanks to the life-giving waters, and the warmth of the sun that persists as long as they have their soul oriented the right way.